What’s this

(hi, this is a test)

This is a scratch pad for me to use when I set up new virtual machines. I’m sharing it in case anyone else is interested.

fish is by far my favorite shell

Install it and configure it following this tutorial

omf is a handy package manager for fish.

I use the foreign environment interface to load my ~/.bash_profile and similar. (Thank you)

You can install themes with it and my fav is probably sushi.

If you’re using anaconda, you’ll have to remember to use activate instead of source activate details.


I love tmux! I p much always install it first thing. To make it more useful, I add options by creating the following file at ~/.tmux.conf.

set-option -g mouse on
set-option -g default-command /usr/bin/fish

other tools

Access Jupyter from your server

I typically set up a jupyter server mostly according to Chris Albon’s instructions here.

Start Jupyter on restart

Previously, my workflow was something like this: go to console in browser and start ec2, go to terminal and mosh into ec2, start jupyter notebook, go back to browser and use jupyter. That’s an annoying amount of steps. I like to simplify this so that on every device restart, my machine automagically starts a jupyter notebook server and glances (which I use to monitor the machine’s resource usage).

Here’s the solution I found, which is a modification of this. Modify your /etc/rc.local to include the following above the exit 0 line:

export PATH="$PATH:/home/ubuntu/miniconda3/bin"
nohup jupyter notebook --notebook-dir=/home/ubuntu/ &
nohup glances -w &

exit 0